What is an inch, what is DN, and what is Φ?

What is an inch:

An inch (“) is a commonly used unit of measurement in the American system, such as for pipes, valves, flanges, elbows, pumps, tees, etc. For example, a size of 10″.

The word inch (abbreviated as “in.”) in Dutch originally meant thumb, and an inch is the length of one section of a thumb. Of course, the length of a person’s thumb can vary. In the 14th century, King Edward II of England issued a “standard legal inch.” Its definition was: the length of three of the largest grains of barley, laid end to end.

Generally, 1″=2.54cm=25.4mm.

What is DN:

DN is a commonly used unit of measurement in China and Europe, and is used to indicate the specifications of pipes, valves, flanges, fittings, pumps, etc., such as DN250.

DN refers to the nominal diameter of the pipe (also known as the nominal bore). Please note that this is neither the outside diameter nor the inside diameter, but the average of both diameters, known as the mean inside diameter.

What is Φ:

Φ is a common unit of measurement used to indicate the outer diameter of pipes, bends, round bars, and other materials, and can also be used to refer to the diameter itself, such as Φ609.6mm which refers to an outer diameter of 609.6mm.

Post time: Mar-24-2023